Chatbot too many bugs when embedded
# 🤝help
I have a chatbot that works perfectly in the test environment. The chatbot is in spanish so if you don't understand something let me know. Basically it is asking for user information like sex, age, etc. I attached a picture of the block that asks this information. When embedded in the website, it repeats the question of "Select your sex" twice, then it moves on and asks for age, then it goes back and asks for sex again, being buggy and unpredictable, there is no pattern to this it just seems to glitch out, and it does not happen in the test environemnt in botpress studio. Not sure what to do as I am trying to offer this to a client but I can't in these conditions, I like working with botpress as a developer but if conversations keep on being this glitchy I can't use it.
i am having the same problem
anyone can help? Saw people having same issue integrating on telegram and others but web embed suprised me… will there be a solution to this or should i look for another platform to provide my client with their chatbot while you guys fix this?
i had a similar issue and realized that i need to click publish again to update the logic of my bot. if you havent pressed published for awhile, try that as you need to do it every time you want to test it outside of the botpress studio
☝️ What they said. We're still growing our infra, so some things may be buggy. The best thing is to re-publish and try again.
@steep-napkin-50757 and @astonishing-motherboard-70628 - please try this and let us know.
This did not work at all
Didn’t work after re-publishing, what should i do?
What I did to solve this was just export my bot and import it to a complete new project. Then publish it again. It worked for me
I tried this too and it didn’t work 😦
Not sure what else to do honestly