Upload Documents - Error [object Object]
# 🤝help
Hello -- I am trying to create a bot that will read from a large collection of PDFs, but it is able to upload only a very small percentage of my collection (for example, in one upload 4 out of 15 were successful). I have checked size (one it fails to upload is 747 kb), I tried converting to txt and/or word as well and it is not working. The error I get is Failed to Upload [object Object] (pic attached). Any advice?
hey @rhythmic-xylophone-33648, is the PDF over 10mb?
I think it's the PDF title length
can you try uploading the same with a very short and simple title ?
No the one that I was trying to upload here is 747 kb.
Hi @rhythmic-xylophone-33648, did shortening the title of the PDF work?
That seems to have been the trick, yes!
Yes! I was just testing it. Shortening the title did help for most of the fails (although I got other errors on some). Unfortunately they are named that way to help me figure out what I'm looking at, alas! 🙂
Thank you for the help!