NLU "Unknown Artifact" Error
# 🤝help
I'm seeing an nlu error "unknown artifact", there doesn't seem to be an error message in the logs and even disconnecting all my other nodes doesn't fix the error. I was moving many nodes from my Main workflow to new sub workflows to make it more readable. I have a basic conversation (i say hi and the bot is supposed to go through a transition which has been trained using words like "hi", "hello", and "greetings") yet the transition never goes through when intent is selected. Here is the information i'm seeing that might be related to the issue: 1. I have noticed in the "Test your Chatbot" panel there is a red dot that when hovered over just shows theres an error but clicking on it does not specify an issue (maybe this can be added in an update). 2. If I click on the message that i sent the bot, there is a "nlu" at the bottom of the JSON tab of the debugger panel. the "nlu" object/section has value:
{ errored: true, openbook_model_id: "Unknown artifact" }
. 3. Opening the console on chrome shows these errors (check images below). Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
I tried deleting the new large sub workflows (i can easily remake them) but that seemed to make no difference
Hi @rich-battery-69172 I'm still having this issue and im not sure if it just got pushed to the bottom. Is there anything i can do here? Thank you!
hey @early-camera-62649 sorry i didn't see this post
can you make a small change to your dataset (any change will do) with the network inspect tab open and spot the erroring API call to /train ?
i dont actually see one to /train? sorry i dont use the network tab often
I did find those 400 errors after sending a message though if that helps.
that's the right tab but yeah there should be one url ending with
- can you try making a change to any intents in the library or even adding a static KB ?
Ah that did it:
hey sorry I just saw this - are you still having issues with the training? we fixed a bug yesterday PM i'm hopeful fixes your issue
No worries, I just checked but unfortunately the issue is still there.
@early-camera-62649 Since the fix Sly mentioned came out have you tried changing something (a letter a word) in the description of a knowledge base or intent to trigger a new training? That might be necessary
Let me give that a shot!
I made a change to one intent but let me try a bit more to trigger training
I just tried adding an intent transition to a node that is being used in the Main flow. I'm not noticing any difference unfortunately. Is there any way to check if a new training was initiated?
"Test your chatbot" 's input (bottom right) will show "your chatbot is training"
Even adding more intents/changing existing ones i cant seem to get it to train. Is there a way to manually trigger this process?
For example Ive created a new node with a transition using the built in "yes" intent:
you have to actually change the utterances in the intent. You can do so like in the image
Ah ok thank you Patrick! I tried that but the chatbot is training message didnt show up. I did see this message though in the web console:
@rich-battery-69172 need your guidance again on this one.
@acceptable-gold-88171 on it. Ill push a fix to see more detailed errors
Thank you both!
@early-camera-62649 we just pushed an attempted fix now, if you are still getting an error training then hopefully now in your chrome console you should have a more detailed error you can copy paste here?
Yes absolutely thank you, let me try that now.
It looks like whatever fix was pushed fixed it for me! All of my intent blocks are working from what i can tell!
Thank you for @rich-battery-69172 and @acceptable-gold-88171 of your support, is there anything else you need now that it's fixed (console logs, etc)?
Awesome!! happy this fixed it. Nothing else we need then 😄