Getting an error after upload pdf
# 🤝help
Error generating answer for KB [AxiosError: Network Error]
hey @big-river-85727, is this a consistent error or can you upload after refreshing the page? Also, how big is this PDF? is it a text-based PDF or does it have images?
It's a consistent error. The file has text, code and links in it. 5 pages.
When I add description of a code snippet to a plain text kb it also throws the error so I think that's it.
interesting. @acceptable-gold-88171 do you know if there's an existing bug report that sounds like this?
Have you tried different pdfs? Is this pdf public, can you share it with us?
I am getting errors also, its saying that they exceed the acceptable file size. I tried a file that was 45 mb (under what I was told is the 50 mb limit) which failed and then tried one at 11 mb.
@wide-postman-24865 Interesting, in the error message it seems to indicate you are just above the max size. Could you try a slightly smaller pdf? Just trying to narrow down the problem before @big-river-85727 , is the error message Rscott showing the same one you got?
I mean, I tried an 11mb file that's what this error was from but I can generate even smaller ones
yesterday someone told me 50 mb not 10 but will try
i spent a lot of time converting text to pdf and now manipulating the size. I don't think its me do you have a QA department that can look into it in detail?
I tried (9MB) works (10MB) doesn't work @wide-postman-24865 there seems to be a limit of 10 MB. Can you point me to the discussion that mentioned 50mb so I can link the issues?
the document i just tried was 3 mb
sly told me 100 files less than 50mb each.
If you refresh do you see this @wide-postman-24865 ?
yeah i told it to remove them. a half hour ago
something is amiss
I can upload the file successfully, but it doesn't show up in the UI, and the error message appears
i absolutely hit 'remove' yesterday and today
it just keeps coming back.
maybe i need to start a new bot something got screwed up internally
@wide-postman-24865 I think those are two seperate issues (this pdf won't upload, and 10MB limit). I'll create two issues internally and we'll get back to you. I get the same issue so I don't think it it's screwed 🙂
No I just got an Axios Error with no message.
I can't share the pdf. It's an internal file.
"When I add description of a code snippet to a plain text kb it also throws the error so I think that's it." Can you send us a screenshot of this(swapping out anything sensitive)?
@wide-postman-24865 the smaller file's issue is now resolved
I get this when I ask a question relevant to the pdf i uploaded