entity value doesn't save in library entities
# 🤝help
hello , i'm trying to create an entity with 2 values : yes and no , it's saying that the synonymes must be seperated by a comma . i did it that way , but there is no button to save the changes , i thought that it's saving values automatically, but once i click out of the entity area , all the values dissapear.
Hi @modern-finland-97226 , is there ay reason why a "Confirmation" card set up with yes and no choices wouldn't work?
@acceptable-kangaroo-64719 it is working of course but i want to give the user more flexibility , he can tape yeah or yup instead, i mean it's my choice of course , that feature should be working.
That kind of flexibility is possible, yes. I'd recommend using intents instead of entities for "yes" and "no." You can start with a raw input card and then listen for intents in transitions. Then, if those fail you can show the confirmation card with buttons.
okey , thank you for your help 🙂