Personality Override Advanced Controls
# 👀feature-requests
The Personality Agent feature is wonderful, but sometimes it's almost too powerful. It would be nice if there were an option for "Personality Override" when you need an important message worded specifically, precisely one way verbatim without any change or embellishment.
@most-butcher-34974 thanks for the idea! would this be on a per-node basis or per-workflow?
I was imagining per-node, off the top of my head!
got it !
will let you know when this ships 🙂
Thank you, sir! The work you and your team are doing is incredible! Keep it up!
Thanks !! means a lot
+1 for this. The rewrites can sometimes also be quite inaccurate in conveying the desired tone. My ideal workflow is to have a "personality catalog", similar to workspace variables. The user can select from the catalog from a drop down or create a new one
@billions-kitchen-47235 makes sense. say there is a "Switch Personality" card you can use inside your workflows.. the effect of changing the personality would last until it is changed again?
Hmm, it's more that one should want to turn off the personality for certain cards where one wants accurate phrasing, and one may want some sections to have a stricter or more formal tone, and others a more playful one. Hence I think a drop-down per-card still makes sense. In practice it just means applying the prompt to the outputs of the current card. I suppose that one can set a "global" current personality, which is what is used by default for new cards/nodes. But yes I suppose if the personality panel is easily accessible, then one can display "current personality" and the user can toggle easily.
Another option that I might find useful is a data-dependent personality. Based on a user profile, I may want the bot personality to be slightly different. However, this may be a bit of an advanced feature.
perhaps for this having the ability to use variables inside the personality prompt would make sense?
In practice, I believe that personality would more strongly couple with a conversation subtree than the user profile. So that even different user profiles traversing the same subtree would generally use the same personality prompt. But perhaps using variables inside those personality prompts is an easy solution for added customizability, results would likely vary but I'm curious to try out
Just thought of it, but color coding nodes by personality could be nice too
Also, manually setting node color is another nice feature to have to visually separate out different flows
thanks - adding my support for this issue, many times i want and exact reply sent to the user - such as a result from an API call - not an auto AI improved version - as its not exactly what I want the user to receive - I would like this as a toggle on a per node basis - thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we will havew this soon!
Looking forward to this. My bot is currently telling the customer where its from, instead of asking the customer where they are from.
Any update on this?
update on this plz
would be very useful
this would be very helpful!
it's actively in the works, agents will be able to be turned on or off at the node level
Amazing! Have been needing this
When is this feature coming?
Thanks for picking this up and prioritising it, this problem almost renders the personality agent useless! If you cant ask the right questions, we ain't going nowhere! haha
I had anticipated it being on the card level under advanced that way it could be more flexible. Otherwise, I suppose you could just create a new node for that card...bit messy though?
Is there a version for early birds to test? I need this ASAP
@eager-australia-26534 actually there's a workaround you can do right now. We added expressions in the personality input. You can use this with a user variable to turn it on/off from your workflow.
so you are saying with an expression card, we can write something like "turn off personality agent" and that will do?
Is there a tutorial on how to do this?
Thanks for the info. So there is hope for us yet!! Having this over ride is what is going to make Botpress go to the next level! Please tell us more on how to do this 🙂
This is a new feature, documentation and tutorials are coming soon!
Not an expression card, he mean variables in the description field, like shown above
Is there a follow up on this or some use cases how to let the user decide which bot to interact with in connection with maybe 2 named bot variables configured? Would be glad to get an update on this and use it in workflows. 🙂