knowledge base is not generating a response
# šŸ¤help
right now when prompted with a question there is nothing found in my txt file knowledge base and returns false. Yesterday while using the same setup I was able to get it to work. I have "answer on start node" disabled. Please help I am new to Botpress
I have knowlege agent enabled. it searched the right KB then I get" Skipping KB agent because no KBs are enabled"
is your KNOLEGE BASE enabled?

yes it is but when the program reaches the knowlege base node is displays "Knowledge disabled on that node" then prompts the user for a raw input and stores in the varible and attempts to search the KB but always returns false with the message No content matched the query
Im having the same issue
I think it's an internal server issue, same thing is happening with me too
I have the same problem !
I would delete cookies and close browser (make sure you publish bot first)
And then try again. Also- did you create a knowledge base and give it some information?
One of the botpress team members responded earlier with "No, this is because OpenAI server are unstable =" on another thread but this looks cleared up on openai now and I'm still having the issue as well.
Also- In the node that you have the card inside of- if you click on it, on the right side where it displays the name of the node you should see a toggle that says enable knowledge base answering
Iā€™m saying all of the potential solutions I can think of, but if anyone having this problem can share screenshots of their kb and their kb settings and the node itself, I can answer better
@full-helmet-73535 these are KB connections that were working just fine and then all of the sudden stopped, not something I was building.
@dazzling-army-23945 @white-caravan-45524 @dazzling-helicopter-69328
@full-helmet-73535 if we're all seeing the same thing this is the error in the logs, i get this error even if I create a new bot and use the load documents option to bootstrap the knowledge and get the message that the bot has ingested the info. 20:10:33debugSkipping KB agent because no KBs are enabled
Whelp if thatā€™s the case than itā€™s out of our hands I spose
Once I published and opened the chat bot in its own tab in an attempt to share it I was able to get it function properly
@dazzling-helicopter-69328's solution worked for me also!