AI task not working, giving the same answer to eve...
# 🤝help

Try adding what the aiquestion var represents in the input field. For example: User Question - @aiQuestion and then in the top section have something like "Attached is the User Question", blah blah blah blah
But also, you aren't passing in anything from KB. So unless the answer to where the key is in your in prompt up there then its not going to know
all the answers are in the prompt and everything was working properly till yesterday. i dont know why i am getting blank answers.
okay let me try that
Thank you. there was some error with the server i guess now its fine working flawlessly.
Actually this was happening to me as well.
It keeps giving out blank answers as response. But when I change the prompt a bit, it starts working again.
This kind of a behavior ususally doesnt happeen with OpenAI API. Maybe an issue with AItask on botpress?
It is working properly now. It's giving all the answers
Yeahh but OpenAI api is going to be an extra cost.
for sure. THat's why i was looking to solve this issue with AItask itself.
Add things into different nodes. The AI task can get confused when there is too much going on so seperating your nodes to transtition from the question to the answer it will make it easy then you can loop it if you want and in your case you will want to loop it.
Here's a related post Ive created. Do have a look.
Check this post out. There was a problem on Botpress' end with Open AI that has been resolved now. Knowledge bases should be working better now. I'm testing them myself to see
I think the problem with AI task still remains open.
Sorry about that, we've had a few issues recently with AI tasks due to too many users in the Studio at the same time! if it fails, it will not set the variable. You can unset the variables before the ai card with an execute code card and check after the ai card if it's not set, and handle the failure if it happens.
I found out that the AI Task Card is not working once I imported a template into botpress. When I created a fresh one the AI Card worked as expected
Are AI Task cards still bugged? Even from the published shareable chatbot I can get blank answers back from chat bot

yes, unfourtunately I get that issue as well. I've notified the engineers, hopefully we'll get a fix too
@straight-wolf-37371 hey i'd like to investigate this, are you able to repro this in an empty bot and/or share your bot with me?
CC @colossal-activity-12523
Thanks Sly! I have changed the bot quite a bit so i don't have something at the moment. Sorry for hte lack of info on this one. I have not seen the issue today and it cleared up quickly yesterday so it may have been part of the stability issues. If i come across this one again ill create a help ticket with an empty bot and debug information and message you on there
thanks alot! appreciate it