How to create a custom chatbot UI with React
# 🤝help
Hi, whats the procedure for creating our own chatbot UIs with botpress API? We are using botpress cloud and we need control over chat UI for supporting our unique scenarios(authentication, look and feel) I could not find anything regarding the protocol for creating a chatbot flow
I'm trying to reach the chatbot UI to get the chatbot to speak before user input. So when the website launches the first message gets sent. I need to either access the existing chatbot UI or create my own. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone has the answer for me and Kasun.
I have a similar use case as well. I want to let users book a meeting through my bot, I want to show them a list of timings that they can pick from. Any way to add in custom UI into the bubble, react or otherwise?
@flaky-ability-96739 did you get the book a meeting in the bot? Is it working as planned?
I ended up making my own integration and custom UI, showing a calendar UI when triggered through an integration action