internal passcode system
# šŸ¤help
Hello, I am wondering how I could potentially create some sort of internal passcode system. So letā€™s say I own multiple Airbnb properties, and someone booked a stay in one of them, well that guest would then get a user ID of which then can send to the chatbot on whatā€™s app and then it gives them their booking information and unlocks the bots features for that property. The conversation might go something like this: Bot: Hello! Please enter your 4 digit user ID to login. User: 1234 Bot: Thank You! We see that you have booked a stay at [address]. Is this correct? User: Yes
take an expression card, and write "If the user writes exactly "password"", then create a path to the conversation that leads down to the property.
If you want had another expression, set it to true, connect it to a node with the text "Incorrect, retry", then reconnect it to the previous node
Hope this helps @hallowed-diamond-39179