Hey! My bot just duplicates my question, how can I...
# 🤝help
I just changed my Zapier Webhook and now my bot just dublicates my question
do you have a similar log in your botpress console? DM Executing hook conversation_turn_action of agent "SummaryAgent" Dialog [9a23e41b-f41f-46c1-9101-042021f50acd] Waiting for user input Hooks Summary successfully generated DM Executing hook conversation_turn_ended of agent "SummaryAgent" Hooks Generating summary for conversation 3 new transcript lines... DM Executing hook conversation_turn_started of agent "SummaryAgent" Hooks user has typed this DM [Capture] All properties of the extracted object are null, which means the user probably didn't answer the question. { choice: null } DM [Capture] Field extraction failed. Input: CODE DM [Capture] Extraction failed (2/2 attempts) DM [Capture] Prompt failed. Maximum number of retries reached. DM [Capture] Prompt failed Dialog [9a23e41b-f41f-46c1-9101-042021f50acd] End of workflow DM Executing hook conversation_turn_ended of agent "SummaryAgent" Hooks Generating summary for conversation 1 new transcript lines... Hooks Summary successfully generated Hooks Summary successfully generated
Executing hook conversation_turn_started of agent "KnowledgeAgent" Skipping KB agent because no KBs are enabled Starting from Main flow Transition from (flow:Main) [node:Start] to [node:Hello] Sending Message. Type: text. Text: Hi! Welcome to Joshua Tree Casita, my name is Dave, the manager of this property👋🏼 Transition from (flow:Main) [node:Hello] to [node:Questions] [Capture] Start information capture Sending Message. Type: choice. Text: What question do you have? Waiting for user input Executing hook conversation_turn_started of agent "KnowledgeAgent" Skipping KB agent because no KBs are enabled [Capture] User clicked on a button, so we are skipping the cognitive extraction [Capture] Field validation successful! Extracted: "Another question". Input: Another question [Capture] Prompt success Transition from (flow:Main) [node:Questions] to [node:SetNextMessage] Execute code "set nextAssistantMessage to be "What would you like to know?"" Transition from (flow:Main) [node:SetNextMessage] to [node:AIChatLoop] [Capture] Start information capture Sending Message. Type: choice. Text: What would you like to know? Waiting for user input Executing hook conversation_turn_started of agent "KnowledgeAgent" Skipping KB agent because no KBs are enabled [Capture] Capture is a raw listen, so we are skipping the cognitive extraction [Capture] Field validation successful! Extracted: "Can I smoke in your property?". Input: Can I smoke in your property? [Capture] Prompt success Execute code "if the nextAssitantMessage is "I don't know" then sent a post request to this url "https://hooks.zapier.com/hooks/catch/15536441/3hc7ykn/"" Transition from (flow:Main) [node:AIChatLoop] to [node:AIChatLoop] [Capture] Start information capture Sending Message. Type: choice. Text: Can I smoke in your property? Waiting for user input
i can see that field validation was successfull on your side. it might be related to ai task. @rich-battery-69172 suggested a way for formulating prompt to avoid bot repeating task. can u check recent channels inside help to figure out more details about it?