I would like to pay for some kind of subscription ...
# 🌎general
I would like to pay for some kind of subscription where i can assure m'y clients for 24/7 bot availlability, and To be able To create more than 5bots.
If you put in your credit card, you can create more than 5 bots :). Also production bots run on a different, more stable environment than the bots in the Studio
Thank you ! Will do ! I had some questions regarding support. Would i be able to have a bit more support in my projects? my clients are starting to demand specific things that i would like to be able to implement. For exemple: Atm, my client has a bot that is integrated with chatgpt api via stack. And my client would like to get rid of these fees. And i would like to know if there is a way to fine tune or make the bot trainable: i have a good exemple here: I uploaded a pdf file with information regarding : "CO-STAR". If i ask the bot: Go look at the document and see if you can find something about CO-STAR. he will do it perfectly. but if i ask right after: Do you know what CO-STAR is, he doesnt find the answer in the KB. Would this be something doable ? Thanks for your time
@bumpy-butcher-41910 @acoustic-hair-60678 maybe a hand ? if you can.
Hi @rough-magician-49397 👋 congrats on your clients! Right now the only way to upgrade support, is with an enterprise plan: https://botpress.com/contact-us. Otherwise, the support we provide is here on our Discord server. What are you currently using the chatgpt api via stack for? Perhaps we can recreate it natively within Botpress. Regarding the particular KB scenario, have you tried adding to the KB a plain text knowledge source that says what CO-STAR is?


I already sent a mail regarding the enterprise plan but recieved a link To become partner? Is it the same? This would be a solution for the KB issue, but then, is PDF not working? Why would i add it in plain text If i hâve it in PDF. This would add aditional work as some clients only have PDF files. Thanks for your anwers !
The enterprise plan and becoming a partner are two different things but as a certified partner you get more help from the botpress team. Have you already completed the application? Didn't know that the info on what CO–STAR is is already in the PDF. We're working hard to make improvements to KBs. In the meantime, the workaround is to add more knowledge sources to the KB that has the pdf already in there.
Something like this:


Ok this can be a solution for now thanks ! We would be more intersted in an enterprise plan as we mainly sell chatbot to clients. Would be great To have some kind of better support and more bots.We completed the form from the website but no specific information on the email.
Thanks for the Video btw !
You got it! 🎉 More bots can be achieved by adding your credit card to your account btw. If you're looking for more support I would get in touch with whomever you've been communicating with via email from our team and let them know.
Thanks Looking forward To it. ITS Not only more bots but better support and stabilité for bots etc