Instagram&WhatsApp problem
# 🤝help
I integrated chatbot with IG, but it doesn’t work. Chatbot didn’t start. Same problem in WhatsApp integration. I integrated messenger too, it works but only when I message from my account. Chatbot send me multiply repeated questions.
hi @shy-art-91025 . from my experience, on whatsapp, it works, but randonmly it make me take again a part of the flow multiple times before it works. so on teh whatsapp side, did you integrate a whatsapp number, did you add a permanent token? without the parmanent token, it wont work.
i mean when you test with test number and it is right, you have to generate a permanent token, from facebook developer and paste it inside you dashboard on whatsapp integration . the fields related to it is Access Token. You also have to update the phoen number id corresponding to the real number, not the test number. if the verify token and the webhook are ok, everything should work. at least, the bot should respond
Ok, i didn’t generate permanent token. I hope that’s the problem. Fb blocked my B.WhatsApp, and it’s verifying now, but it’s fine. I will wait. But what is about multiplying same messages from bot?
yes, the isssue is being analyzed by botpress team in another channel, this one
Great, thanks for your help
you welcome, let me know if any other question
@damp-forest-63651 I still have a problem with accounts other than mine. bot on messenger is not responding to anyone but me.
is your account verified? i mean the company registration should be verified and the related application set to LIVE.