Knowledge Base Tutorial Question
# 🤝help
Looking to get some help with a portion of the tutorial. Specifically the Knowledge Base portion of the tutorial. I added the website, then later on in the tutorial it states that if you want to override the Ketchup stain answer, you can type in "To get rid of Ketchup stains, you can add Ketchup everywhere else" I would like to know how that override trigger works? I typed in "How do I get Ketchup stains out of white shorts." and it defaults to the answer, and not the "add ketchup everywhere else" answer. So how do I know when it will output the "add ketchup stains everywhere else" and when it will output the answer?
Seems like my question has been ignored. It was too basic
@miniature-article-39223 sorry, which tutorial are you following?
@rich-battery-69172 I believe it was the handheld tutorial that shows you how to add a Knowledge Base step to your conversation
Just a quick question that confused me, it prompts you to ask the bot what the best way to get rid of ketchup on white shorts is, the bot then uses the website, then after receiving that output you get prompted to override that answer and provide your own. Curious as to how you change whether or not the bot uses the website for the answer or the custom typed out answer
To be honest I'm also very curious, that's currently a feature I'm working on! so I would be surprised if that was possible lol. The only 2 ways that you can override the knowledge base right now is to either use folders (because KBs are prioritized by proximity to your workflow), or if you make use of descriptions and say something like "if the user asks how to __ then ignore and use this instead"
Interesting, okay. I'm new to this so I am learning from the ground up so this was just an early question. I appreciate the response ❤️