My bot mixes the information that I have given it
# 🤝help
My bot is mixing information that I have given it about the products of a web store and I don't know how to fix it. I want it to come out like this: Service ●1 Magma - Unlimited SSD - 7 GB of DDR4 RAM - 700% CPU - Intel® Xeon® E5-2690 processor - Installation of plugins - Everything is controlled by a private panel! Price: €5.30 EUR Time: 1 month Service ●2 Magma - Unlimited SSD - 8 GB of DDR4 RAM - 800% CPU - Intel® Xeon® E5-2690 processor - Installation of plugins - Everything is controlled by a private panel! Price: €7.30 EUR Time: 1 month Service ●3 Magma - Unlimited SSD - 9GB of DDR4 RAM - 900% CPU - Intel® Xeon® E5-2690 processor - Installation of plugins - Everything is controlled by a private panel! Price: €8.30 EUR Time: 1 month And he puts it like this: The service is called Magma. There are three different service options available: Service ●1, Service ●2, and Service ●3. Each service option includes unlimited SSD storage, different amounts of RAM (7GB, 8GB, and 9GB respectively), and different CPU percentages (700%, 800%, and 900% respectively). All service options use an Intel® Xeon® E5-2690 processor. Complement installation is included with each service option. The control panel for managing the service is private. The prices for the service options are as follows: €5.30 EUR for Service ●1, €7.30 EUR for Service ●2, and €8.30 EUR for Service ●3. The duration of each service option is 1 month.
Can you separate it in different KBs?
sorry i'm new to this
knowledge bases
thanks @quaint-window-24638
@rich-flower-68684 Keep me posted 🙂
Ok I have separated the KBs and it has worked in a certain way. But now it gives me the characteristics first and then it gives me the prices and how long the product lasts.
I liked how it turned out but out of curiosity, is there any way to put it as I have put it in the Kb?
You can write it in JSON maybe?
We are working on something that should help you with this
Stay tuned 😉
I already got the result I wanted so there is no need to pass it to JSON, but thanks a lot anyway 😊
You're welcome 🙂
Happy bot building! 🚀