Exposing the Error Variable
# 👀feature-requests
Is there a way to get error message in a variable that we can use in Error Workflow ro send to a webhook for debugging client side issues?
tagging @freezing-carpenter-9818 since he showed interest in this!
Thank you!
It would certainly be good to be able to see errors in live chats. I was pretty disappointed when a Boolean card with a yes and no flow kept going to only one flow “no” in a loop. That being a bug as there was nothing wrong in the cloud studio is very worrying
@gentle-shampoo-88367 @freezing-carpenter-9818 as a possible workaround for now maybe you can try calling the logs endpoint manually to get a json of the latest logs and filter for the Error ones, but you'd need to handle the authentication using your PAT to query that endpoint. Docs here: https://botpress.com/docs/api-documentation/#get-bot-logs & https://botpress.com/docs/api-documentation/#authentication
thanks for linking this, can you tell how old can we go to get these logs?
I believe it's the logs from the latest hour are being sent