bot slow startup - 20 second for initial response.
# 🤝help
I am new to botpress. I am using the free plan. I have created my first bot and I am planning to run a demonstration for a prospect. I have added the bot to my website. When I click the bot button, the bot opens expected, but it takes up to 20 seconds that get a response after i say "hello". Is this expected behavior?
I have made a few changes and i can see improved start time. First when running in the dev / studio, everything is almost instant. From the initial test Hello to getting a respons from the bot is a few seconds. When testing production via a external web server is where the start up response is much slower.
The issue maybe related to load time for gif card image in the entry node. Testing from web server, no image, initial response time is approx 6 seconds. Adding an image, the initial response is pushed to 10 seconds. Multiple images adds more time. Let me know if this amount of time is expected.
@ripe-waitress-29335 could you share with me the URL of your bot? i can check into it if there's any issues on the backend. One thing to note is that when deployed, your bot server is "sleeping", and we wake him up the first time he receives a message. Subsequent interactions are faster after because the bot is awaken. It's usually not an issue in production when you have multiple conversations happening, the bot is often awaken.
I think (maybe, or maybe it is just confirmation bias, because I read this somewhere) that the first time a bot is used after being published, there is a delay. So maybe try accessing it once before your demo. [Edit: Sly already said that. Just noticed his comment. So, yeah. 🙂 ]
Ah yes! After a publish there’s at least 20-30s delay
After that there’s a delay but only on the 1st message received for a while, and usually a much lower delay (like 5s or less)
Thanks @rich-battery-69172