Botpress / Instagram
# 🤝help
everything is okay when i try to connect botpress to instagram , until the last instruction Webhook Configuration. To receive messages from Messenger, you will need to setup a webhook. 1. Go to your Facebook App. 2. In the left sidebar, expand the Messenger menu and select Settings. 3. In the Webhooks section, click Add Callback URL. 4. Copy and paste the webhook URL provided in the channel configuration UI. 5. Copy and paste the Verify Token you generated earlier. 6. Click on Verify and Save. Make sure your channel configuration was saved before doing this step, otherwise the webhook validation will fail. 7. Click on Add subscriptions and add messages, _________instagram_manage_messages _________and messaging_postbacks to your webhook. The webhook ( Instagram_manage_message ) d'ont appear why ?
same here
same here too