Whatsapp Integration
# 🤝help
Hi, I am trying to integrate Whatsapp with Botpress. I am using a testing account for the whatsapp business. I can see the messages sent via whatsapp in Logs but I am not getting back the response in my cell. Anyone that had the same issue can help out? Thanks guys!
Hey Martin could you share an screenshot of the whatsapp conversation with your bot so we can get a better idea of the flow? I'm tagging my colleague @bright-magazine-792 who I know also has had experience setting up Whatsapp before, in case he has any insights. Rohan, Martin has already checked the Webhook fields making sure Messages is selected. Other than a mismatch in the access token, webhook URL, or verify token, do you know of anything else that could be preventing the reply from being received in Whatsapp?
@early-easter-26864 are you able to send a sample test message from the Official WhatsApp Setup?
Hi @bright-magazine-792 yes but I do not get back response
Hello World Welcome and congratulations!! This message demonstrates your ability to send a WhatsApp message notification from the Cloud API, hosted by Meta. Thank you for taking the time to test with us.
@bright-magazine-792 @famous-zoo-73118 I'm seing the response in the logs, but it does not render in whatsapp


Try republishing your Botpress Bot
I did. Nothin happened
Is there a way to help me out? it is a big blocker for the project
@famous-zoo-73118 @bright-magazine-792
Hey Martin, if you like, I could check how your bot is set up to see if there's any issue with the configuration. So I can get temporary access, you can go to your workspace settings, then on Collaborators, and add sherlock@botpress.com as a collaborator with Developer role and let me know what's the name of your bot. Happy to take a look.
Thank you @famous-zoo-73118 it is devoted-kouprey
@early-easter-26864 The configuration looks correctly filled so unless there's a mismatch in the webhook URL, verify token, phone number ID or verify token between your bot and the actual values in Meta, the only possible reason you wouldn't receive a reply back is a configuratio issue on Meta's side most likely.
Hi Abe the connection won’t work if those values are incorrect. Do you know if the WhatsApp account has to be paid and not the free one?
Hmm, it actually lets you save the whatsapp settings for the bot even if the values don't match the ones in Meta, as these are not checked there exactly. From my experience with integrating a bot with Whatapp if it fails silently it usually means something in the Meta configuration needs to be adjusted, unfortunately. On another note, we're working on improving the way integrations flow information about their activity back to the bot in the Logs section, so in the future it will be easier to have more certainty about whether the issue is something on the bot side or the integration's side 🤞
Oh bro, i´m stuck then
If you feel comfortable with it, I could take a look at your Meta config just to double check it's not an issue on our side, you can add me as Developer under [App Roles > Roles] in your Meta dashboard, my FBID is 100003589928897.
im having exactly the same issue Martin, have you been able to solve it?
Hi! I am having the same issue! How can i solve it?
@clean-jelly-51671 @aloof-noon-60279 Just to make sure it's not a different issue than the one being discussed here, do you have the "messages" field selected under Webook fields in the Quickstart > Configuration section of your Meta dashboard? Like this:


yes, I followed the tutorial step by step
Same, exactly issue here
Verified all of the above and also don't getting the message rendered in my cellphone
@early-easter-26864 If you like you can export your bot and send it to me over DM so I can import it and confirm if I can get the bot to reply or not. I just did some tests today to confirm the Whatsapp integration itself is working and I can confirm it's working normally, but ideally we want to make sure there isn't something specific about the bot that's preventing the messages from being sent over Whatsapp.
@famous-zoo-73118 Hi, why can't anyone but me talk to the chatbot in the messenger integration? The chatbot only joins if I write. The company is verified in the meta.
Hi @famous-zoo-73118 I just added you as Developer under the meta account. Thanks!
hi @famous-zoo-73118 i dm you!
@early-easter-26864 Sorry, looks like it won't be possible to check your Meta setup from my end:


In it we found that the Whatsapp integration itself is working fine, but that Meta seems to have issues with their test numbers and receiving messages from international numbers.
If the country code of the phone number you're responding from is not +1, try requesting a real phone number from Meta instead of the test number, that should hopefully do it.
@aloof-noon-60279 I just checked your DM. Please see above, if the personal phone number you're writing the bot from is not +1 then you might need to request a real phone number from Meta instead of using the test number, as Meta seems to be having an issue processing messages from international numbers while using their test numbers.
Perfect, thank you I wanna try this
@famous-zoo-73118 I took the number to production, but still no answer to international numbers. The API number is +1 (786) 527-2827
Then unfortunately I can only suggest double checking that the webchat settings of your bot exactly match the configuration in your Meta dashboard. Also, check the Logs of your bot in the BP Cloud dashboard just to make sure there isn't an error in your workflow preventing this from working. If that still doesn't work, you may need to reach out to Meta for support as the BP Whatsapp integration itself is working normally and it might be a config in your Meta dashboard that might need to be adjusted or an issue on Meta's side.
@famous-zoo-73118 maybe i found the error, check dm!
@aloof-noon-60279 could you fix it? If so, can you pleas tell me what you did? thanks
@famous-zoo-73118 I am unfortunately having the same problem - while I was able to connect botpress to facebook messenger - it only replies to inquiries from my personal profile and not to everyone else
Me too @bulky-ghost-35273 , Messenger bot only replies to inquiries from my personal profile and not to everyone else
https://botpress.com/docs/cloud/channels/messenger/#submit-your-app-for-meta-approval You need to submit your meta app for approval for it to be available to everyone else
I am having the same issue here, my integration seems to be fine, i double checked all the data(Token, id, webhook) and the bot still does not respond to my messages, it even appear to be "seen" in the app.
@aloof-memory-59908 Check that
is selected in the Webhook fields configuration in the Meta dashboard, and if your personal phone number is not of country code +1 that you have requested a real phone number from Meta rather than using the test number they provide, as they seem to be having problems processing messages from international numbers when using the test number. Other than this and verifying the tokens, phone ID and webhook URL matches, there's nothing else AFAIK other than an error in the bot's flow (you can check it on the Logs section of the bot in the BP Cloud dashboard) or an issue on Meta's side, as we currently know the Whatsapp integration is stable and working.