Added "Home Page" button so thevery time the conve...
# 🤝help
Once published, when it goes back to the question, it wont answer the right questions like in the beginning when the customer talks to the bot for the first time.

is this soooo complicating looking
i mean it took me 25 mins to make a bot that asks how many people are there in your grp and then suggest u a place to travel to and then gives u a choice to ask from knowledge base
for the developers, is this a common issue you are facing?
you're interacting with the deployed version of your bot, right @User?
did you make sure to publish your newest changes?
Yes, I have tried it on and on. Also if I use the same browser, it won't start at the beginning even when i refresh the and publish the newest version. It starts where it ended off last time
the ability to erase conversation history is a separate feature we're working on atm
so stay tuned for that!
but I'm trying to understand the problem you're describing here
when you say "it wont answer the right questions", what do you mean?
ok, but did you understand what i was trying to do with the "home button"?
you're talking about the node at the end "Hjemmeside" that sends the user back to the beginning?
so the bot is working perfectly, but when the conversation ends and if the "user" wants to go back to the main page, i have this simple question before end saying "do you want to go back to the main meny" if yes it goes back, if no it goes to the end. But if the user gets taken back to the main page, and starts over, there is a lot of messages that are not supposed to come up and the bot is answering wrong questions and directing you to wrong places
that's really odd, I can see that you set up that node correctly
@acceptable-gold-88171 can I recruit you to help here? I can't understand why this would be going wrong 😇
yes, its also very odd becuase by testing it on the botpress app when i have the coding on the left side, it works most of the time. but if i publish it and then paste it into a new page, it doesnt work at all
could you also show me a screenshot of what you mean when you say "it doesn't work at all"?
hold on a sec

obviously, this is in Norwegian, but like this, I have now entered the menu after first asking questions. in this example, i start at the beginning and then i ask to get more info on "lån" which is a mortgage, then i get information, but again after i get the same information as the one before, when I am supposed to get the information "do you have any further questions".
did you understand?
so basically instead of going from the first node - second node - all the way to the end it goes from first node - second node - back to first node. This might be easier for you to understand
hmm yes, so you're just being directed to the wrong place in the conversation?
but that is after getting through the first time, then when i go back, it starts to do some errors
I'm trying to figure out why that might be happening, because like I said it looks to me like you set everything up correctly
do you guys offer to jump on calls with share screen on discord for example? @bumpy-butcher-41910
so its easier to see, and go over potential errors?
nah that's impossible because I've been a robot this whole time
but unfortunately no - that would be too time consuming so we wouldn't be able to get to everyone!
i understand if its policy guidelines etc
there might be two other questions you could answer for me. As you see i have a lot of information in the bot, sometimes it takes a bit of time., is it possible to get the speed any faster? also, is it possible to customize the bot when its finished, how does that work once the bot is completely finished?
server latency is something we're working on at the moment - this isn't a "paid" feature or anything we charge for, but just the nature of our hosted bots for styling, check this out:

Have you had people creating "home page" button function similar to mine and had it work 100%?
not specifically home page functions, but I've seen complex bots that redirect users work without problems
so in theory yours should work too
ohh ok, could it be some sort of overload problem with a lot of information?
again in theory that shouldn't be happening? but that's just theory haha
ohhh ok, I`ll look over it again and check! thanks for all the help and maybe @acceptable-gold-88171 can help