support @botpress
# šŸ¤help
Anyone know how to get in touch with support? Iā€™ve been trying for three days and they just never seem to be available.
@acoustic-hair-60678 @colossal-egg-20510 @bright-magazine-792
hi abdullahxa šŸ‘‹ all our support is done through Discord and live chat except for botpress enterprise customers. what can we help you with?
Iā€™m having trouble with AI task. I need it to do what itā€™s told in the Task Instruction using the user input which in this case was camping, however instead of suggesting activities related to camping near Calgary it just returns the word ā€˜Camping.ā€™ How can I fix this?ā–¾ā–¾

You can add Examples in AI Task for referencing it
Hey. Iā€™m having trouble with my chatbot. Itā€™s taking long to publish. Iā€™m taking hours. What could be the problem?
I did, it still doesnā€™t work, itā€™s returning the words ā€œ@ChatGptā€ sometimes, other times it answers properly.
Sometimes itā€™s working sometimes itā€™s not, this is why I canā€™t figure out what exactly to fix.