Web Search integration
# 🤝help
I am trying to build a small personalized knowledge base out of some blogs I really enjoy. It seems that i am not allowed to add any websites that have multiple pages. On other bot builders ive been able to add the posts that are hosted on sub pages and rock on. It appears that botpress does not allow me to do this? am i mistaken? or are there some rules that i am not seeing in the documentation? It will let me add the top level of the domain, but none of the lower pages. Please help!


if I'm right this, it's because inputting the top level domain will crawl all nested URLs
so there might be some redundancy here?
it does not
when asked what the blogs are, it tells me the H1
but when asked about info inside the blog, it doesnt know


even with the tide.com example. if it has a basic sub url its not functional
on other platforms the solution was to add in by hand, or by zap, the individual blog sub domains
any advice on this matter would be very helpful, this is a major roadblock for me