Bot repeating questions
# 🤝help
Having an issue during deployment where bot tends to ask the same question multiple times. Works fine in emulator but telegram, messenger, and weblinks have this issue many times. Eg- Bot asks to enter name and email, user enters those, but the bot asks them to do it again. Any help would be appreciated.
Hey, can you share a screenshot of your workflow?
in the meanwhile you could also take a look at this

This is the bot that is having the issues. It's mostly all the bots that I make that have the issue
I dont know if its on my end or botpress end
Also, when I integrate the bot with telegram/ messenger I have the same issue as well
Even in this case, after giving the info about the product, the bot was supposed to go the the next node which is connected to zapier but instead it went back to the main text that users get when the start chatting with the bot

Getting the same issue

Though it mostly happens on the whatsapp and messenger integration
Same issue here, on whatsapp mainly, but sometimes on webchat
Same issue here, when exporting and importing it does go away but then starts acting up again I actually have a problem also that it will randomly start to translate the language to english (i'm building it in hebrew) - also happens even if u set the language at the start node lastly when exporting-importing my last project the new imported project will work fine in studio but in share bot it won't respond at all
Are you sure that after asking for confirmation you are not sending the user to the same node where you ask about their struggles?
These errors you guys are having seem to be happening because you are going back to previous nodes and there is no expression that checks if the value has been filled, and the capture cards don't have the "skip if already filled" option enabled.
@damp-forest-63651, can you also check that's not the case?
ok, let me check.
but in this case, why does it work well on the emulator?
If that's the case, then we really have a bug on our hands!
because, that is something which have always worked well, that way.
I'm sure that after asking for confirmation leads to a next node. I also attached the bpz file for my bot if you wanna take a look at that. Like I said, emulator works perfectly fine. Its only the integrations that have these issues.
@early-train-33247 @freezing-elephant-85019 hey guys, did you find anything as to why I might be having this issue.
I need to fix it before the demo please.
I tried making a different account, using different browsers as well but no luck
Most of the bots I make are having similar problems. Even simple bots that I make are repeating the same thing like enter your name over and over
Same situation here, can’t show it to clients
I hope they find solution😔
Hey guys, just a heads up to tell you that we are actively working on this. There are some small differences between the emulator and the webchat. Right now, if you wait 35 minutes after the last message you sent, it should work like it does in the emulator . Will keep you posted
Thanks!! Will this fix the issues on the meta integrations too?
@dazzling-doctor-79129 I believe this issue affects every integration on the cloud. We pushed a fix like 10 mins ago in relation to that. I can give a brief explanation of what was happening. There was 2 different timeouts: the session and context timeout. The session timeout was set at 30 min, and the context timeout was configured at 5 min. The session stores workflow variables and a lot of other information, including the status of prompts on the workflow. The context stores the user's position on the workflow (the current node, card, etc). So, what happened is that you start a conversation with the bot. You end up on a prompt, you go to do something else on another tab, or whatever. Then the context is reset, you restart at the beginning, but your previous prompt is still active in the session, even if you start at the beginning. So if you have multiple prompts active at the same time, or raw inputs, and depending on history lookback, it could cause some issues. We implemented two different fixes for that. 1. 2 timeouts for almost the same thing was too complicated for nothing, so we merged both timeouts, and it has been renamed "Inactivity Timeout" (default: 30m). When this timeout expires, most informations are cleared: chat history, workflow variables, workflow position, etc This can be configured in the bot settings. Note that user and bot variables are not affected by this. 2. Captures are now scoped to the currently active workflow AND the capture card, instead of just the capture card. If you leave a workflow and come back to it through another one, then it will be considered a new workflow and the capture will not have been initiated. (this what was causing random issues, for some users in some situations, hard to reproduce) Please let us know if you have issues @here
I still experiencing the issue
Thanks @colossal-activity-12523 for the good news and the feedback. I will check and get back to you
@colossal-activity-12523 I am still facing this issue. Please help
I am also facing the same issue @colossal-activity-12523
log [2851e8cc-b41a-4e4a-8451-1477a3d2eed6] Sending Message. Type: text. Text: Hello, I am your new chatbot! DM Executing hook conversation_turn_action of agent "SummaryAgent" DM [Capture] User clicked on a button, so we are skipping the cognitive extraction DM [Capture] Field validation successful! Extracted: "Yes". Input: Yes DM [Capture] Prompt success Dialog [2851e8cc-b41a-4e4a-8451-1477a3d2eed6] Transition from (flow:K66 workflow) [node:Standard1] to [node:Check-Knowledge1] DM [Capture] Start information capture Dialog [2851e8cc-b41a-4e4a-8451-1477a3d2eed6] Sending Message. Type: text. Text: Ask your Query DM Executing hook conversation_turn_action of agent "SummaryAgent" Dialog [2851e8cc-b41a-4e4a-8451-1477a3d2eed6] Waiting for user input DM Executing hook conversation_turn_ended of agent "SummaryAgent" Hooks Generating summary for conversation 3 new transcript lines... Hooks Summary successfully generated er X [Error]: An unknown error occurred at Mr (/var/task/customer_code.js:8:28715) at Ot (/var/task/customer_code.js:8:28492) at w (/var/task/customer_code.js:8:67917) at /var/task/customer_code.js:8:64156 at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async Promise.all (index 2) at async saveAllStates (/var/task/customer_code.js:1231:2118) at async saveState (/var/task/customer_code.js:1231:4665) at async Object.onEvent (/var/task/customer_code.js:1254:8087) at async Object.onMessage (/var/task/customer_code.js:1254:7661) { isApiError: true, code: 500, description: 'An unknown error occurred', type: 'Unknown', error: undefined }
This is my logs
same issue but im not using ai task card or KB, it just cant extract the field and retries the prompt to no avail
it was working fine yesterday
Please reload and retry, it should work nwo
a small glitch was introduced :/
hi, sorry it's still not working, the result node is the capture card and it should go to user-choice node.

20:08:46debug[Capture] Transformed the extracted value 20:08:46debug[Capture] The extracted answer is 'null'. The user probably didn't answer the question. 20:08:46debug[Capture] Field extraction failed. Input: Asthma 20:08:46debug[Capture] Extraction failed (1/2 attempts) 20:08:46debug[Capture] Retrying prompt
can you send me your bot export? i'll check it out
what is confgured in your capture card ?
like a single choice from the results of ai task
i havent touched that part, of the flow, i was mostly working with the detect-condition nodes
I was facing the same issue till last night but finally figured it out and solved it. Hello 👋, I'm Elijah. I'm available to help out anyone with any issues with Botpress. You can reach out to me;
its also in the emulator
Hi, I am still experiencing the same issue
got the same issue. what is the solution?
still have same issue
We found the main culprit for the repetion problem. please try to reload the studio and republish your bot
It's working better now. It repeats less often
I confirm. It repeats less often. With the insight from @rich-battery-69172 , i also had to correct my capture information cards, because in most cases when it leads to a choice from the user, it is best to capture it as single choice instead of it just be raw input. this contributed to reduce the frequency of messages repeated.
Hey if it repeats again (even if only once) please let me or @colossal-activity-12523 know! Include a screenshot of the emulator and workflow if possible. @dazzling-doctor-79129
yeap, now it's working perfectly fine
hello, what was the main culprit?