Prevent Botpress referencing specific documents in...
# đź‘€feature-requests
Hey guys, this is a huge issue experienced by many people in this Discord group. The bot keeps on referring to the specific names of the files in the knowledge base as oppose to give out specific information contained in these documents. The users find no use in bot telling them which documents in the knowledge base they should check as they have no access to those files, you should make sure that the bot would never ever specify the documents in the KB to the users. In addition, trying to control that with an AI task with a very optimized prompt that instructs bot to not do this does not make any kind of difference, therefore this issue is not something we as builders can work around, meaning you do have to address this. When a user asks how to achieve something that the documents contain the information about, they get an answer like: Check this to find more information about this. This makes the bot useless as the purpose of building such a bot is to give the users specific information and not listing the documents that contain that infromation. Thanks for your rapid reply on this
Hey @billowy-sundown-22398, sorry that's happening! One solution is to add to the knowledge base description something like "you don't ever mention the references, just the content", and it should work!
It doesn't. This is what I tried early on and it makes absolutely no difference. I am also sharing the prompt of the AI task, which again, makes no difference as your bot keeps on outputting the references to specific documentation:
Copy code
Please provide accurate and concise answers in Dutch, ensuring that any references to external resources, specific documents, or file names are entirely avoided.

In case you don't have the answer to a question, respond with "I don't know" instead of an empty string.

If a question requires multiple steps to answer, present them as bullet points.

As users interacting with you don't have access to the knowledge base or any documents, refrain from mentioning specific sources. Instead, only provide the actual content from the relevant documents.

When users inquire about email templates, directly provide the content of the template, avoiding any reference to the document's location.

Only share information from the knowledge base; avoid referring to any other use cases not listed in the knowledge base.
Guys any other input from your end? This is a huge problem, could you please look into it? At this point I have tried everything: - completely refactoring the knowledge base a few times - using smalltalk feature with plain text documents - removing all the docs from the knowledge base itself and structuring everything in the plain text - including the AI task with a very specific prompt - including a description with telling it not to mention documents or knowledge base Could any of you please reach out to me? I would be happy to share the flow and show you how often the bot is referring to the documents in the knowledge base instead of outputting the information that is stored in these documents. This renders the knowledge base not usable for me, which beats the purpose of using botpress. At this point I am wondering whether I should just code the whole thing myself, this is very dissappointing.
Example input to bot:
Copy code
Can you tell me how to create an organisation?
Example output (I translated it from dutch):
Copy code
To create an organization, you need to follow these steps:

Make sure you are in the <name> administration environment.

Make sure you have the organization information ready, including roles, impact maker information, and user information.

Go to the "Organizations" section in the administration environment.

Here you see an overview of all existing organizations, including their type, number of users and creation date.

Use the search function or click on "Add new organization" to add a new organization.

Fill in the necessary information, such as the name, type and location of the organization.

Save the organization.

After you save the organization, you can add users to the organization and assign them roles.

Finally, go to the organizational structure to get a complete overview of all classes within the organization.

Please note that this information is based on the context provided and may vary depending on the specific platform or software you are using. For more detailed instructions, you can refer to the document "Account Management <name>.docx".
This is really holding us back, as the AI task nor the knowledge base description don't not do their job. It would be great if you can help us find a solution here, since we are not the only ones encountering this issue. Any suggestions here please?
Possible workaround -- copy/paste all contents into a plain text KB.
@rich-oxygen-43707 I guess you didn't read what I already triedâ–ľ

@early-train-33247 any input or you guys have no solution for that at the moment?
Actually I meant plain text, not a plain text document.â–ľ

There is no document name.
I think he means a Plain Text source, you are talking about the same thing!
@billowy-sundown-22398, thanks for the detailed information, this will help us troubleshoot! I'm gonna escalate this issue to @acceptable-kangaroo-64719 and @witty-football-93730, as they might know better if this is a prompting matter of if it's an actual bug!
Well, a plain text document has a file name but plain text pasted in as plain text does not, so if the problem is that the bot is returning a filename, he is not talking about pasting in plain text.
hey all – just to confirm this fix is coming soon (ETA tomorrow)
@rich-oxygen-43707 @early-train-33247 indeed, I do have the whole knowledge base now in the Plain text document and of course, it doesn't reference the documents but it references the knowledge base and keeps on pointing the users to check the information under a specific Title. Seems like I can't work around the fact that bot doesn't give the details in the knowledge base but instead points to it. Thanks @early-train-33247, that would be very valuable as this is a blocker for my client as they don't want to launch due to this
Let me know if you need any more information, very happy to share!
Niice! Thank you @rich-battery-69172
Hey @User, did you guys already pushed a fix for this?
@billowy-sundown-22398 sorry other issues came up that needed a fix before this one – this has been pushed back by a few days but is coming along!
thanks for the update @rich-battery-69172 and good luck with other issues!