Stop botpress using default css
# 🤝help
Hey, I've setup a configurable bot on my site connected to a spreadsheet hosted on my server. If I don't put !important next to tags though, the code is overwritten by botpress default css. Is there a way to disable botpress-default.css
are you passing the CSS file as a
in the init() function?
no just a "stylesheet":
added customStylesheet into the init and still being overwritten by botpress-default.css
can you share the init() code that you're using on your website?
window.botpressWebChat.init({ "composerPlaceholder": "Chat with WomBot", "botId": "cf667a02-130c-4abc-8720-50ad042b1d8b", "hostUrl": "", "messagingUrl": "", "clientId": "cf667a02-130c-4abc-8720-50ad042b1d8b", "botName": "WomBot", "avatarUrl": "", "stylesheet": "", "useSessionStorage": true, "enableConversationDeletion": true });
if i dont use !important on some elements it will revert back to botpress-default.css or occasionally inject.css?
There are many elements that work fine however others not so much. for examples i would attempt to set responsive heights for bpw-layout however without an !important the height will be overtaken by botpress-default and with !important i cant make it responsive so let me know! thank u
@bright-magazine-792 do you have any tips?
@bright-magazine-792 please let me know if you do as it would be greatly appreciated
I've learnt that using min-width causes all the css in the {} to be ignored while max-width does work. Wierdly though, if I set a max-width:767px for mobile, the page is still using the max-width:767px figures for desktop sizes