Bot error
# 🤝help
Does anyone know what this error means? Thanks!

Hey @gifted-minister-2714 could you tell me a bit more about your bot and what it is trying to do when this error comes up?
Sure. So, basically, the bot is capturing client's information. 1. name (works fine) 2. area of buisness (works fine) 3. email (quits working) 4. website (don't go to this point unless I write something after email When I do this in the emulator, the bot works perfectly fine - it captures all the variables required. However, when I publish it (or use the "chat" window on the dashboard) it never goes past "email" node. And I honestly have no idea what to do. If you want I can export my bot and send it to you. I'd really appreciate your help!
sharing the export would help, sure
I just want to tell that all the text is in Russian, however, the nodes are all in English so I'm sure you'll figure it out 🙂
sorry, forgot to tag you in my previous response
So it looks like something got messed up behind the scenes and your bot is no longer authorized to talk to itself. This error keeps appearing in the logs:
Copy code
AxiosError: Request failed with status code 401
    at settle (/var/task/customer_code.js:60:1062)
    at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (/var/task/customer_code.js:61:8380)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:525:35)
    at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1359:12)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21) {
  code: 'ERR_BAD_REQUEST',
It's a bit beyond my skills at this point. Maybe @acceptable-gold-88171 or @witty-football-93730 know what to do?
Wow, crazy. I'll try to rebuild it from scratch and see if it works. Thanks anyways. But if @acceptable-gold-88171 or @witty-football-93730 can tell me what it is I'd appreciate it a lot
Weird, I rebuilt it from scratch and now it
it's working