Unable to update Bot Integrations settings.
# 🤝help
Trying to style my bot, and add description but it keeps giving me error. Have tried to clear cookies, and tried in 2 different browsers :/


"An error occurred while updating your bot. Please retry"
Hi @blue-computer-57633 , Let me look into it and get back to you
Hey @blue-computer-57633 can you try again? We pushed a fix yesterday that might solve the issue
Yes, it seems to work better. But I am still receiving errors in the workflows when I try to publish :/
Ok, can you tell us more about this error?
Thanks @magnificent-activity-96909 . It takes a long time every time to publish the new workflow changes, 5-10 minutes. Then it just says that an error occurred in a red pop up box. No more information. What else do you need to know? I'd be happy to provide it. Are there any workarounds to make the publish faster and prevent publishing failures?
@blue-computer-57633 thanks for your explanation. Would you mind creating a new Post under #1111009377525186570 ? It seems to be a different issue than updating Bot Settings 🙏 Meanwhile I will investigate your deployment issues