How to have a full width webchat on website
# 🤝help
Hi is there a way to embed the bod into a website page as full page width NOT as a chatbot. Asking as the chatbot is not currently responsive so a full page embed will be a workaround for now. Your botpress integration screen is full page width. How do we do this on a website in Wordpress thanks
In the docs it says you can set this in. CSS?? Is this for cloud or v12. This is the only change I want to make. I don’t want to change any other styling?
It’s a cloud bot. If I add the full screen CSS file to the cloud integration will this worK
Let me try again…is this a new CSS file/JS script…where does it go? I need it on a Wordpress page
There is no bot or client ID in the botpress studio cloud? Are you sure this is for cloud?
Actually that all works yay - apart from its very full screen. Its enough for a quick workaround. What does this do as it also says 25% // Set the width of the WebChat container and layout to 100% (Full Screen) "containerWidth": "100%25", "layoutWidth": "100%25",
The styler bot creates the file and hosts it for you.
But I am happy that it worked for you 🙂
Happy bot building 🚀
Anyway to use this file to set a border radius on the chatbot bubble boxes? Ive made this mobile responsive now but it seems you have to create a whole CSS file to change 1 or 2 parameters in the bot style? Thanks
I think yes