Info about Upgrading Botpress
# šŸ¤help
Thereā€™s literally no information on the business plan, no official pricing or nothing stated, just straight up asks me to put my card info in, how do you expect me to do that when I donā€™t even know how much Iā€™ll be charged. Super unprofessional. I want business plan to have access to advanced tech support but I need a price point.
Hi @eager-australia-26534 ! Our pricing is found on As far as I know, we don't ask for credit cards when users register, only when they click the upgrade button. Most of our users click that after they reach one of the limits, but you're right we could make it more obvious what they are getting for the others that click it without having hit a limit. šŸ™‚ If you want special access to tech support, you can contact our sales team at
Ok understandable, what Iā€™m looking for is advanced technical support, however I have not hit any limit so far. I want to upgrade but when I click the upgrade button it asks for my payment info however it does not mention how much I will be charged. Can you tell me how much I will be charged? Just the $10 monthly budget or also an add on for business plan? Iā€™m extremely confused.
@eager-australia-26534 it ultimately depends on your volume. If you don't go over 1000 incoming messages, per month you won't get charged. $0.005 per incoming message.
The enterprise plan is something different @eager-australia-26534 and should be discussed with a member of our Sales team. If you're looking to pay an average of $10 per month, I would say the pay-as-you-go tier is probably the best option for you. But please know that it does not come with dedicated support. You'll need to rely on the Community if you have questions.
And how do I acquire the pay as you go plan? Where do I need to insert my billing information?
@crooked-van-25152 can you add a payment option to limit messages to each chatbot. for example, one chatbot could send 2000 messages and my second chatbot will send 3000 messages. because I want to sell chatbots to different clients and each one will want different limit
Hope this helps! Please note that you can also set a monthly budget.ā–¾

This would have to be done per workspace. You could simply add each of your clients to a different workspace and set the monthly budget that way.
Ok makes sense, so Iā€™d have to create a new workspace for each client. Thank you Sabrina!
Sabrina is it possible to send you a direct message, I have a question regarding intents and I just canā€™t find the answer, I published the question and help and have not been able to find answers. Itā€™s stopping me from selling my services. Would really appreciate it if if you would allow me to shoot you a DM with my question.