how can i have the chatbot ansaering based on what...
# 🤝help
Hi everbody, am building a customer support chatbot for an e-commerce store and need help. I would like that when some pressed on product information and then chooses the product they would like to know something about and then ask their question, i would like to have the bot to answer based on the information that is on the landing page of the product or based on information that i need to provide to somehow upload somewhere. Can you please tell me how i can have the bot answer based on the information on the landing page or knowledge base? EXAMPLE: i go on X ecom store and the bot shows up. I click on product information and it then asks me which product do i have questions about i choose the product and then it asks what i want to know about x product. Lets say i asked how should i be using x product. I want the bot then to answer based on the information that is on the landing page or if there is a way to have it answer based on a certain document that i somehow need to upload and connect. Which i would like to know how to do that.