Whats App to Airtable and Events Plugin
# 🤝help
Hi all 🙂 wondering if this is possible with Botpress? Want to host events and provide a WhatsApp number to message. When they message the number a bot replies listing the events that are available, the user selects which one they want to book for, the bot replies asking for their name, email and phone number, user replies and it confirms and sends the details to an event booking app or Airtable is fine. Thanks in advance
Hello, @melodic-dusk-37332
Yes, it is indeed possible to create such a bot using Botpress
We can integrate it with WhatsApp, allow it to list events, capture user booking information, and even link it with your event booking system or an Airtable.
We would use the WhatsApp integration feature for messaging, the entity extraction feature to capture and store user details, and custom actions to send the booking information to your preferred system. This way, you'll have a fully automated event booking assistant available 24/7 on WhatsApp.
This is amazing thanks so much @future-twilight-41699. Is there a way to dynamically add the dates for the booking without needing to manually edit the bot each time a new event is added?
Yes, there are several methods to dynamically add dates for bookings without manually editing the bot each time.
let me explain some approach: 1. Database Integration: - Store your event dates in a database. - Whenever a new event is added, update the database. - The bot, when asked about available dates, queries the database and fetches the latest available dates. 2. API Integration: - If you use a booking or event management system that provides an API, integrate your bot with this API. - When a user inquires about available dates, the bot can make a call to this API, fetch available dates, and present them to the user.
Oh amazing thank you! 🙂 I would love to learn more about 1. - is there any tutorials or docs you can point me to please? Thanks 🙂
Sure. let me tell you about the tutorials or docs
Thanks 🙂 I couldn't find any methods for this.
If you want, let me make the tutorials or docs for you.
ah yes please!! thanks so much