How can I pull data FROM Zapier or something like ...
# 🤝help
Question: Is there a way to have Botpress check a Google Sheet and pull data from that sheet? So I know how to use webhooks with Zapier. I can pull variables from users in Botpress by using webhooks in Zapier and store those values in a Google Calendar, Sheet, or an email, etc. But how can I do the opposite? I am trying to have a user input a date to book an event, and then use Zapier to check if an event already exists for that specific date on Google Calendar. If an event is already booked for that date, then the botpress bot needs to tell the user that their specified date is not available. Or if it is available, then the bot will then continue its prompts to book an event for the possible client. How can I do this? Currently I have it so that when a user inputs a specific date, Zapier's action will "find event in google calendar". If the date does not already exist and is labeled as 'BOOKED', it will update the calendar with a 6 hour temporary hold for that date to allow the potential client time to book it. It then sends that date variable to a google sheet, where the date AND the client's information is stored for later viewing. So is there a way to have Botpress check a Google Sheet and pull data from that sheet? This way I can use that data to signal to Botpress that an event is either already booked, or not booked for that specific date? Or is there an easier way to do this?