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# 🤝help
// Assuming you have the 'whyGet' and 'maleProcedure' variables defined and assigned with the user's inputs // Personalized answers based on the combination of 'whyGet' and 'maleProcedure' let personalizedAnswer; switch (whyGet) { case 'I want to look more attractive': switch (maleProcedure) { case 'Rhinoplasty (Nose)': personalizedAnswer = 'Rhinoplasty is a great choice! It can leave your nose looking elegant and model-like.'; break; case 'Blepharoplasty (Eyelids)': personalizedAnswer = 'Blepharoplasty is an amazing choice! It can leave your eyelids looking splendid, giving you a younger look.'; break; case 'Liposuction (Fat Removal)': personalizedAnswer = 'Liposuction is a great choice! It can leave you with an enhanced body shape and contour, making you look more attractive. It even gets rid of stubborn fat and increases muscle definition.'; break; case 'Otoplasty (Ears)': personalizedAnswer = 'Otoplasty is great! It helps increase confidence. It can even provide a marginal improvement in the size, shape, and position of the ears.'; break; case 'Cheek implant': personalizedAnswer = 'Cheek implants are great! It can help reduce signs of aging such as wrinkles and lines. It even allows your cheekbones to pop out, giving you a sharper look.';
break; default: personalizedAnswer = 'Sorry, we do not have information about the selected male procedure.'; break; } break; case 'I want to look more fit': switch (maleProcedure) { case 'Rhinoplasty (Nose)': personalizedAnswer = 'Rhinoplasty may not directly address fitness concerns. You may want to consider other options based on your fitness goals.'; break; case 'Blepharoplasty (Eyelids)': personalizedAnswer = 'Blepharoplasty may not directly address fitness concerns. You may want to consider other options based on your fitness goals.'; break; case 'Liposuction (Fat Removal)': personalizedAnswer = 'Liposuction can help in achieving a more fit appearance by removing excess fat. It can enhance body contours and help you achieve a more sculpted look.'; break; case 'Otoplasty (Ears)': personalizedAnswer = 'Otoplasty may not directly address fitness concerns. You may want to consider other options based on your fitness goals.'; break; case 'Cheek implant': personalizedAnswer = 'Cheek implants may not directly address fitness concerns. You may want to consider other options based on your fitness goals.'; break; default: personalizedAnswer = 'Sorry, we do not have information about the selected male procedure.'; break; } break; default: personalizedAnswer = 'Sorry, we do not have information about the selected reason for the procedure.'; break; } // The variable 'personalizedAnswer' now contains the personalized answer based on the user's inputs