Recipe search premade template issue
# 🤝help
Here is my report id: a6865f19-a39e-4973-858d-5011a67ee6c7 Hi, Im using recipe search premade template and using new code generated from chatbot for api instead of spoonacular but Im reciving following error and more one thing I didn't change second code on node "process api". Check your premade template for second code. Im getting error "Error executing action "inline-ins-c9e62a09eb.js" in flow:Main:node:process-api-data [TypeError, Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')]" and the code Im using in call api node is: async function getRecipes() { const baseUrl = ''; const query = 'workflow.baseQuery'; // Replace this with your actual search query const apiKey = 'ddbe29a17e2a016c0e1ee8e707bfcee4'; // Replace this with your Edamam API key const number = '3'; const ignorePantry = 'false'; const sort = 'popularity'; const sortDirection = 'asc'; const addRecipeInformation = 'true'; const addRecipeNutrition = 'false'; const url = `${baseUrl}?q=${query}&apiKey=${apiKey}&number=${number}&ignorePantry=${ignorePantry}&sort=${sort}&sortDirection=${sortDirection}&addRecipeInformation=${addRecipeInformation}&addRecipeNutrition=${addRecipeNutrition}`; try { const response = await axios.get(url); if (response.status === 200) { const recipeInfo =; // Save the recipeInfo to the desired location, e.g., a variable or a file workflow.recipeInfo = recipeInfo; console.log('Recipes retrieved and saved successfully:', recipeInfo); } else { console.log('Failed to retrieve recipes:', response.statusText); } } catch (error) { console.log('An error occurred:', error.message); } } // Run the action with await await getRecipes();