Help with KB understanding ( URGENT )
# 🤝help
I am making a bot for a event the KB has FAQ type things with answers. There are questions like: Q1. What are all the events? A1. Art: Confictura....... {not mentioning all the events} Q2. What is the Confictura event A1. { not giving the event data here , but things like , the timing max no op people etc} BUT WHEN I ASK THE BOT: [my question] : What is the Confictura event? [ bot answer] : Confictura is an art event. This is not what i expect as the answer but the details , so any help? THANKS, I NEED THE HELP QUICK
that's interesting. How is your knowledge base structured @great-action-6606 ?
Yes it is a webpage or document ?
its like Q. {question here} A. {answer here} Q. {question here} A. {answer here} Q. {question here} A. {answer here} ...... so on
word doc
also new update it answers the question "What is the Confictura event?" sometimes correctly like with all the details and all but sometimes it tells that it doesnt have the required data
Me too it answers that it doesnt have the required data too maybe the input is too short
Have you tried removing the questions from the document and only providing the bot with the answers?
no I have not as the event incharges wanted me to add the Q & A
Is that better than having q&a?
for me it isnt
guys any help?
You should try experimenting with different ways to present your data in the knowledge base. An easy way to do this is by copy/pasting from your word doc into a new plain text source, and making modifications. One possible reason for your bot's behavior is that it expects the users to act like the knowledge base sources, which isn't always true. You might have better success with different formats like: 1. A numbered list of answers only 2. A unordered list of answers only 3. Sets of question/answer pairs without the 'Q' and "A" labels
ok thx