Botpress repetitive questions
# 🤝help
Guys, do you have a problem with botpress that the chatbot keeps repeating the same questions when used? Like I already answered a question but it asks me again
Hi @faint-hamburger-38363 it might be that something is wrong in your flow, can you give a bit more details on the problem you are facing
Hi, thanks for replying. So in botpress I test it as usual everything works, but as soon as i try the url link to test it, it keeps askung repetitive questions and sometime stops and never connect until you tupe something
If I can take a look we can hopefully figure out what is going on. In the studio, when you click on the arrow next to the Botpress logo, can you click on "Report Problem", fill out the form and send me the number.
Yes !!! Several users including me have this issue. Check out the threads in HELP. See for more info.