AI task not exporting response to variable
# šŸ¤help
Not sure why, but, every time I run an AI test task, it has no response. Have tried several prompts so I know itā€™s not that
are you storing the result in a variable?ā–¾

for example the way I do in this video!
Yeah and when I display it itā€™s just the name of the variable
and this is happening multiple times?
Yeah itā€™s never worked for me
even on the same prompt, on multiple tries?
Iā€™ll post a SC when Iā€™m home
even better - can you file a problem report and share the problem ID here
I think I'm having the same problem. My Ai task isn't searching the web to find answers outside of knowledge base. It is triggered according to the test chat.
have you tried using the web search knowledge base?
I previously was doing a web search pointing at the clients website and it was locating that info fine. (I assumed the Ai task was already coded to search the 'entire web'). After your last message I changed that to search the entire web and added clients site to web pages (which it then indexed). Now the bot is finding the outside info but won't answer from the clients site.
There seems to be a lot of buggy things going on now. For example, in the test chat the conversation doesn't start with the auto trigger to welcome the user. However, when I publish, deploy webchat it will start. Also in the test chat the bot is not finding the owner (my client) but it responds with correct info in the webchat. These are just a few irregularities but there have been numerous once I integrated the Ai Task.
Robert, Do you know why the bot would be acting different in test than in webchat ? It is published.