Multiple Task Examples
# 👀feature-requests
So I’m creating a few complicated AI Tasks. Huge prompts with multiple scenarios and all that. And while doing so I was thinking of a new feature addition that would help out a lottt. What if we can make several task examples for multiple scenarios. For example, a user might want to ask about a specific product im selling or he might want to find a product according to his needs. With several Task Examples I can train the bot to deal with both situations according to how I need them to. Plus if I enter a task example for any one of the situations it might ruin the other. So please do think about this as I think it would be very beneficial
could you give an example of how this would look ? it would help if you make it as clear possible and break it down into steps.
so my AI Task has multiple scenarios, mainly 2. First scenario is if a user enters a 10 digit part number for a car turbocharger, using which the bot is supposed to find the exact model car, price etc. The second is if a user asks whether a turbocharger is available for their car. Now the problem im having is that the AI is having a tough time coming up with a concise answer to either of the scenarios. It's very varying. If i use the task example to train the replies, i can only train it for either one of the scenarios and not the other
Is your AI able to fetch the right 10 digit part number for your car part ?
and are you using the Knowledge Base to store your data or is the data being webscraped from a website ?
what I would do is take all your data in put them in an excelsheet. I am sure there are automated ways to do this (Airtable or GPT) but so far we have done it manually to prevent errors ourselves.
once you have a clearly defined list with parameters on top and descriptive names on the left than your bot should be able to fetch the digit number associated with e.g. Turbocharger for "Dodge Charger"
hey @cold-jewelry-54343 just sent u a dm regarding this