variable not storing value in execute mode
# 🤝help
I am trying to store a value but it is not storing? Can someone please help
are you talking about not being able to get the result of an execute card to save as a variable for use in the bot for other functions?
bc i fixed that issue with the docs
let;s say I store somethng in the variableand want to print in the next node, it is doesn't show
it takes time
i got you
so what i did is set the result to session.bannerquote = bannerquote at the end of my execute code where i performed a math function then in the next node, i just called with a "raw input" card. "Here's your quote for: ${{session.bannerquote}}. Does everything look okay? " workd perfectly
thsi might sound stupid but workflow session same thing?
also did you not do @bannerquote to print that's how I been trying it
no, that @bannerquote didnt work for me either. double curlies ftw
so that im not sure. i didnt move between workflows to make the call
ok i got what you ment
@square-stone-67279 so you dont have to set a session variable either. in the code section, you can input worfklow.variable = variable value and then you should be able to call @variable in that workflow. to pass it to other workflows, you have to pass it through the entry node. but thats why you couldnt call it before, because i dont think the session vars can be called with a @