WhatsApp integrations doesnt work, PLEASE HELP
# 🤝help
hi, could someone please help, when im integrating my bot into whatsapp i get the initial "hello world" message but when i start texting i dont get any replies from my bot. my bot is fully functional in botpress however
Hi @lively-dusk-32687 , https://botpress.com/docs/cloud/channels/whatsapp/ (the video is useful to follow visually) have you followed each step outlined in here? At which point does the problem occur?
@lively-dusk-32687 By any chance are you using the test number from Whatsapp and texting the bot from a phone number with a county code different than +1 (US/Canada)?
well....i have the same problem and yes, im testing from Mexico , yes I m using Whatsapp texting bot and to be honest im becoming crazy , yes i have tried to follow the Whatsap Integreation video and yes i do have all the accounts , I m only missing business verification from Meta - is this a factor ? - also, yes i can receive the test message from Meta but bot is not answering-
Hi @refined-actor-91340 yes, Whatsapp test numbers are currently known to not work when testing from non +1 (US/Canada) phone numbers unfortunately
.....but it will work in production ? ....managed to make it work through Twilio in Sandbox but pricings are kinda high through them.....
- and yes, as soon as I had changed testing to a US number it work perfeclty.....
yes, it should work in production assuming the bot works correctly and that it worked when messaging the test number from a US number
Hello! I think I have the same issue, is the error you got? " I register a mexico number as well
well what i did for testing was changing the endpoint phone for the phne of a friend in USA and it just worked.....not im only waiting for Meta verification to finish the test
used the phone provided by Meta which is on US
I think that error comes from Meta , since you have to authorize a phone from your business account to be used as a sender and then ssign to the app . If your business is ont meta verified its even harder to do that since the token its temporary
This is video showing a conversation between the chat bought from Botpress and a friend in USA and the problem is the same, I can see the conversation in a chat into botpress interface but not in WhatsApp conversation
sender must be the test whastaapp us number, receiver shoud be you friend in US Remember if you dont have a verified meta account the Yoken for WP changes each day
i did manage to make it work but haven t moved to prodction due to Meta business verification
also you need to add whatsaap business number to a business account . although i haven t tested enough there
But my friend in US does not need to have a WhatsApp business number, right?
This was the error but just at the end, I had to changed my access token
I used my Australian number and worked perfectly 🙂 thanks!
GLad I cuold help !! this gave me so much headaches ....now the hedache is verifying the account....Meta is so stingy with paperwork and made me loose so much time....
Yep, so true but I already did it! Thank you so so much for the help!
Hey myabe you can help me now, specially if you are from Mexico - Im stuck with Meta verification for two weeks already .....what paper work did you used for verification ? - so far i ve used my SAT document , association contract --- even a forgery of my bank account so it spells "the company name"
Sorry for my late response man, really sorry. Well I used an australian number as de destiny number and I update my token because expires every 23 hours, also I keep "Active" mode instead of developer mode, i didn't use any SAT document for verification, if you mean the verification with what's app I have not been verified because I already have a whatsapp number before register that number on the facebook business account so i have to delete my WA account to verify it into the facebook business account and the create it again, crazy.
mmmm i see..... Well so far I managed to be Verified...it was a headache.... At the end I had to add a code to my website in orther to achieve it. Those ulgy bastards dont provide any feedback , they just reject the application . Then i got verified as a tech provider to avoid not havig permissions to certain assets.....again a pain... And after all this still im not able to connect either Whatsapp or Messennger to the bot.... Managed to pull out a permanent token , add a mexican phone no, add payment method but still no working bot even in production......Have you had any luck ? Is it because any regional lock down or something in that regard ? ....or a problem with the phone ?