Zapier integration
# 🤝help
Hi, I am trying the Zapier Integration for Botpress (, but I can't manage to actually integrate the two. What I am trying is to have a Botpress trigger, intiate a Zap and then share the data from Zapier back to Botpress so it can be displayed to the user. Anyone able to help here? Thanks.
Hey, im struggeling with the same. I received the test data in Zapier but i cant seem to find the Action in my Studio to send any other data. "To make your bot send real data to Zapier, you'll find an action for Zapier when editing your bot in the Botpress Studio which you can use to send data to your zap. It's recommended that you send your data in JSON format so you can send multiple value at once, as Zapier will automatically parse it."
Jup, quite frustrating that there doesn't seem any clear documentation on how to fix this...
check this

The issue is to send data from Zapier to Botpress. These videos all explain how to send data to Zapier, which is easy.
The event/trigger for the Studio to receive data from Zapier in your bot is being released soon to all users , there was an issue we found but we’re fixing it. We’ll make an announcement when the Zapier integration is generally available, thanks for your patience!
Thank you @famous-zoo-73118 !
@famous-machine-13957 Sorry for the delay, there have been a few setbacks on making the actions and triggers generally available. Could you send me a DM mentioning the email address of your Botpress Cloud account so I can take care of manually enabling these for you? Thanks for your patience!
do you know how to do this now
Hi @most-potato-86100 could you clarify? Not sure I understood correctly
sure. so im using the zapier beta to connect triggers to botpress instead of using a lot of webhooks and im having trouble connecting real data from botpress to zapier to a google sheet
the botpress trigger is only giving me what looks like a generic message of "hello" and "12345"
Ah yes, that's a "demo" trigger that gets automatically sent so you can verify the trigger is working.
Please check my answer here for more detailed instructions on how to use the Zapier integration for this: