Hi, Checking out logs for my integration is currently a bit painful - 1. Not sure what the log retention period is, seems to be less than 24h 2. Integration logs are in a different place than bot logs in the dashboard Would love to see a way to set up an export of the logs to a third party. Iā€™ve used and like Axios, would be great to have an integration to dump logs there. I also use it to trigger alerts for my team - if we can add that natively, thatā€™s a cherry on top.
Hey! The integration SDK has a method for logging to the bot console. Iā€™m on my cell so donā€™t have the reference handy, but if you search for ā€œlogger.forBotā€ on our open source repository you should see examples!
If you canā€™t find it lmk and Iā€™ll come back to you when I land
Hey, so I do use this, but my question's a different one. I want to export all bot + integration logs to an external service like axios. Let me split this into two problems: 1. I could do it within my own integration using the axiom SDK, but it would mean having the same message passed to
and axiom in each place. Is there a way to extend this logger to add in another destination? 2. Bot logs are auto generated from the studio, and only visible on the dashboard. I would imagine the solution to be something like what render does maybe, to keep it generic and support other loggers. https://axiom.co/docs/send-data/render
Oh sorry, I see what you mean. Yes log drain is a feature we haven't had many demand for yet but would 100% make sense at some point. can't promise we will work on this in the short term although this feature falls under enterprise and may prioritize it on the roadmap if we have a few enterprise sponsors
The problem I see with your question (1) is that this would only work for the integration you instrumented and would not apply to your bot logs and other integrations logs
may I ask the use-case for exporting the logs? analytics, monitoring, compliance ?
Yes, 1 would only address part of it. Our use case is monitoring - right now we're in the blind when our bot or integration is dying, need to keep checking in every couple of days that the logs don't have any red.
There's a sentry plugin of sorts for custom integrations that I've seen in the codebase - don't think its in a state that we can put it in on our end too
Makes sense thanks - would the "Issues" panel make sense if it sent you emails whenever there's any red from either integrations or bot logs?
yeah it's our internal sentry for monitoring bugs in integrations
You can subscribe by email here to new issues
But I don't think all the red logs will raise an Issue at the moment ā€“ that's something we can improve relatively quickly
I know all studio errors raise an issue but not the integrations
I don't see this option in my studio, this should show with the bell?
do you see a panel called "Issues" in the admin portal?
next to analytics
yes I'm on it
ok cool then here's how to enable email notifs:
Got it, thanks
Also this tab doesn't seem to record the issues we're seeing, there's like 1 across ~7 odd bots. We definitely have more šŸ˜…
Oh would you mind sending me screenshots of the issues it doesn't catch? you can DM me directly too if sensitive
i'll make sure these are all tracked
I've resolved all existing issues, but I would have expected them to be around in the
. Does it auto-resolve?
Will send you when I see one next
Yes thanks. When you mark them as resolved they will dissapear yes
Ok, because I hadn't marked anything as resolved. So these should have been pretty full
that's weird, maybe a collaborator in your workspace did?
Nope, I'm the only one on this
mind sharing your workspace ID in the url? will investigate
So in conclusion - 1. I'll make my own log wrapper for our custom integration, post directly to axiom on my end. 2. Will wait to see if there's issues that don't get logged 3. Wait for enterprise sponsors for getting log drains on the bot logs? šŸ˜…
Yup! if I see a couple more teams needing the log drains I'll bump it up the product roadmap
do you remember on which bot / botid you had issues ? I only see one issue total in your entire workspace ATM šŸ˜•
Yeah, that's what I had mentioned. Here are some that should have had issues -
These have been in production for a while, have fixed issues in the past