Lost history
# 🤝help
I was adding a sitemap, hit on the learn more link by accident. It is not a redirect but has opened in same tab resulting in me losing all work and now my full bot is blank, how can I access the autosave history.
If you had added nodes already, your flow should still be there. Click on the 4 little arrows (top right of the Studio). This should zoom into your flow.


Thanks for the response, but it isn't a zoom issue. I have hit the wiki sitemap link accidentally and then due to url code it has opened in the same tab. I have returned to botpress and it is a blank slate, 0 memory of anything I created, nothing I have previously done has remained. This is why I was hoping to utilise the autosave and pick up from where I was.
@famous-zoo-73118 are you able to help here?
@colossal-activity-12523 Could you check this? Looks like a possible issue to be fixed in the Studio.
Hey! Usually you can hit ctrl+z to undo changes, even if the page was refreshed. This would undo changes one at a time (any one that triggered a data save)