why chatbot does not display correct answer?
# 🤝help
Hello, I uploaded a text document in the form of Q and A Q: first question A: first answer Q: second question etc One question is Q: what is form 8962? But when I type 8962 on the chat it does not return anything. Why if the number is identical to the one in the faq, chatbot does not find it? Thank you
Hey @clean-pilot-97704 welcome to the community. To answer your specific question i'd have to take a look at your setup. Could you generate a report id, so i cn take a look
sorry, where do i get the report id?
It found it now. Does it takes some time to process the faq? I didnt get any notification
can you post the report id number here please?
I see now, the report are the support ticket numbers. No i did not open one. In addition it found the answer somehow now. Do you still want me to open a report so I can provide a number?
not sure if you still here.
im not sure ifollow
are you saying the issue is solved?
now i have another issue. I wrote it down on the report