hey sorry if this is off topic but has anyone here...
# 🌎general
hey sorry if this is off topic but has anyone here expereinced their bot workflow just dissapear? im in the process of trying to solve this now, I just transitioned my website to display the bot on the homepage and then it broke so I'm losing traffic as we speak 😦
hey @worried-librarian-9427 i'd recommend oppening up a #1111009377525186570 thread and generating a report id so someone can help you debug.
hey @freezing-printer-49373 ive done that thanks, just waiting for a reply
can you point me to the thred
sure here it is
hey win can you go into your environment and generate a report-id
i will make sure someone looks into it
sorry could you tell me how I navigate to "environment" please
sure no problem.
you will find instructions in there how to generate the report, make sure to post the id number in this thread so we can take a look
ah ok
sorry just saw the other thread
taking a look now
hey i figured it out
seems like you zoomed out to much and move to somewhere else in the canvas
i used the search on top, just typed in hi and clicked the first result which brought me back to your flow
@freezing-printer-49373 hey man sorry I thought I replied to this earlier, I saw the issue and want to thank you for your help I really appreciate it.
My pleasure, happy your bot was not erased 🙂