I want to send information from my external app, t...
# 🤝help
Hey @agreeable-notebook-52159, thanks for creating this post!
What's the information you are sending from your app? Is it an event? Like an action somebody makes that triggers an event
I want to send simple text message from my app to botpress using botpress webhook, and process that message it in botpress and then want to send back a reply to my app.
Basically, I already connected GPT to botpress, now I want to send prompt from my app using botpress webhook, then transfer that prompt message to GPT Open AI which I already connect. Lastly, I want a reply getting from Open AI to my app which is WebEx.
Hey mate, I get what you are trying to do! Unfortunately we don't have a way to do this at the moment (send messages to the API and get a response from the bot), but we are working on it! It's called the Converse API and it will be launched alongside the new Webchat I belive next month, stay tuned to the #1111016943370113174!
Okay thanks @early-train-33247