Getting user sequences for fine tuning
# 🤝help
Hey, How do I get every user sequence to an google sheet or something like that I want to know what the user typed and what nodes he chose. thanks
hey @purple-xylophone-10745 this might be a good place to start
alright, any way to do it without coding?
not right now, nope
ok thanks
I struggled to find this section in botpress: "Go to Botpress Dashboard, click your avatar, and go to Personal Access Tokens"
It occurs to me that you make your own database with API, of course not from the beginning, there are open source solutions like pocketbase, supabase, or service like mongo Atlas to some extent, etc.. But in the case of Pocketbase it generates an automatic API so that you can save data. Now, from botpress in code you only must go storing in global variables with data that you want to register, if you want to see if some node was used for example, I would say that you store that in a variable, it can be a counter that adds one to the global variable once it passes through the node. The truth is that at some point in the conversation you can make a post request to your API already configured to store these variables in a json can be, etc....... is what I would try to do, however I must configure an external api to receive that and save it, I repeat pocketbase is excellent choice if you have used before any backend as a service (BaaS)
its here

yes!! thanks