Access to the bot variables from my webpage
# 🤝help
Hi, i would like to know how to access to the variables i have in my chatbot from my website. I know how to do it from the website to the bot, but not in reverse
Hey @little-boots-11182, you'll have to use a third party to get this done because there's no communication form the bot to the website in the current product. For example, you can have your bot POST some data to a database that your website later reads, or use zapier to put data into a Google Sheet that your website reads later.
Hi @acceptable-kangaroo-64719 , thanks for the answer. Where can i find documentation to do that?
depends on what 3rd party service you want to use. Zapier docs are at You could also ask around on #1121494527727902891, there might be someone there you could hire to set it up for you