Incomplete responses
# 🤝help
Hello, I have a problem, which is that I was creating a chatbot for the a team in which some of their files were written in Arabic. I connected the chatbot with slack workspace. The problem is that when I ask the bot a question, sometimes it answers me completely, and sometimes the text is incomplete and dreams do not answer in the first place, what is the cause of the problem and how I can solve it? By the way, I was creating the chatbot on their own account on botpress not mine.
Ok. Are you using the knowledge base to get the answes?
Can you provide the link to the bot so that i can help you better.
@hallowed-farmer-75349 how long is the answer? Keep in mind that we use GPT in out backend, and GPT doubles the tokens for Arabic. So there might be a limitation from GPT side
Yes I did
It's not that long answer actually
Less than 300 charachter
and how can I replicate it? what is the scenario?
Want me to give you the source?
no, I meant like what should I say to the bot so that I can see the problem you are talking about
I hope this is more clear 🙂
Yeah sorry
ما هي مستويات الخدمة في زد شب؟
You can try this
This is what I got, looks good enough

What type of KBs are you using/
Yes this is a aomplete answer
But I did repeated the question after a whole and it didn't work well
Like it stopped in some point
The answer being different sometimes even I type literally the same question
Text files
Are you using the AI Task or Personality agent?
Personality agent
Would it be better with AI task?
No 😦 both AI Task and Personality Agent rewrites the content using GPT. The problem is the hallucinations coming from GPT
It should help a bit with this not nice situation
if your personality is in Arabic then use something like "حافظ على المعلومات كاملة". If it is in English then you can say "Keep the full information" Not sure it will help, but give it a try
I will thanks alot
how is it going 🙂
i got busy with something else, i was planning to do what u advised me to today
I'll update you immediately
hey, so i tried again and it doesn't help that much to be honest
Sorry, can't help with that. It is the GPT rewrite 🤷‍♂️