If the AI doesn't know the answer, can I handoff t...
# 🤝help
I asked this question before and Cassis gave me a good idea but I would like to know the opinion of the Botpress team.
Hi @bland-eye-91538 , If you have developers on your team, we can guide them to build a HITL for WhatsApp. Otherwise, I would suggest showing a unified number for the user where all your agents are waiting/answering
Hey @bland-eye-91538 , if you don't have a developers team, a work around for that is to send a link for a whatssapp chat that will open a chat with you just with one click. For that just insert your WhatsApp number in place of the X in the link below: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=XXXX-XXXX
@ambitious-vr-9887 I like that idea 🙂